What we heard from you
Calgary, June 22, 2023
Thank you to everyone that attended and participated in our event, The Common Ground of Energy Transformation. It was a morning full of thought-provoking insights and great conversations. Our live polling revealed some interesting information… read on!
And be sure to check out the event pictures and videos!
What motivated you to attend today’s session?
We received over 100 responses to this question and here are the Top 10 most common answers from you:
- I was intrigued and/or curious
- I wanted to connect, network, support other women
- I was invited by a colleague, friend, smart woman, board member
- I wanted to learn more about how I could get involved
- Women having meaningful conversations is important
- I’m interested in being part of the change / impact / future
- I’m looking to be inspired / empowered
- I love this country
- To have my voice heard / not be ignored
- I love this organization / Sounded fun
In your opinion, how do Canadians benefit from our oil & gas industry?
This question prompted a lot of discussion and you provided over 200 responses!

Please state your agreement to the following questions:
At the beginning of the event, we asked you to give us your perception towards 4 statements. We asked you the same questions after the event to see if our discussions prompted a change in your point of view. They did!
Women are united across Canada on the importance of our oil and gas industry
Before the event
After the event
Women are knowledgeable on matters related to Canada’s oil and gas
Before the event
After the event
There is an opportunity to inform women across Canada on matters related to energy transformation
Before the event
After the event
Women’s opinions on energy transformation need to be amplified across Canada
Before the event
After the event
How are you feeling leaving this session today?
We were pleased at the overwhelming positive responses and the great feelings we all left this event with.

What’s the most surprising thing you learned today?
In response to this open-ended question, we received so much great feedback. The most common things you shared were:
- How aligned women actually are across the country. We’re more alike than different.
- That women underestimate how knowledgeable / informed they really are.
- Without anonymity, women are reluctant to engage in conversations about oil and gas or anything else that may be polarizing.
- The actual demographics of engaged women: their ages, family situations, and awareness levels.
- How much oil and gas impacts everything.