Community Poll – August 31, 2023
What do you know about energy transformation?
With all of the talk around renewable and alternative energy sources, you may be surprised to hear that only 11.2% of global energy consumed for heating, power, and transportation in 2019 came from renewables. Most of the energy used globally comes from traditional sources such as oil, gas, and coal. And that’s not going to change any time soon.
But we know efforts need to be made to help reduce emissions and protect our environment, and that’s why Canada’s energy industry is undergoing a transformation.
It’s important to note transformation does not involve the displacement of oil and gas — it’s all about balance. In fact, we already have a diverse energy mix, including petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, hydroelectricity, and a host of renewable resources. It’s this diversity that will keep Canada prosperous and help tackle environmental challenges like climate change.
We’re fortunate as a country that we are rich in natural resources because much of our prosperity has direct links back to Canadian energy. The industry is investing in transformation, and specifically cutting emissions that can be an unwanted by-product of energy production and use. Canada’s energy production is modernizing, and significant headway has already been made.
Investment in technology demonstrates the Canadian energy industry’s commitment to meet emission reduction goals by 2050, while continuing to provide Canadians with the power they need to live their daily lives.
For us, transformation in the energy sector does not involve the displacement of oil and gas — it’s all about balance, needing both traditional energy sources as well as investment in renewables in order to keep Canada prosperous while at the same time tackle environmental challenges.
We wanted to know what our community thinks.
Here are the questions we asked, and the results:
Question 1
Are you aware that Canada’s energy industry is undergoing a transformation?
Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it.
I’ve heard about it, but don’t know much.
No, I didn’t realize the extent to which transformation is happening.
Other (tell us what you think)
Question 2
Where do you think energy transformation investment focus should be?
I think we need to invest in the transformation of all types of energy, including oil and gas
I think we should prioritize alternative, renewable energy sources only
Other (tell us what you think)